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Gillett's Jewellers are committed to the provision of high quality products. Guarantee: We guarantee that our products will be delivered in new condition without damage or fault in craftsmanship.

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Birthday gift ideas for October

Stuck for a gift idea for sometime in the next month? A wonderfully personalized way of choosing a jewellery gift for somebody is right in front of you – using their birthday! The birthstones for October are Opal and Tourmaline. Opal is a uniquely special gift for an Australian born loved one as 99% of the world’s opals are found right here at home. Opal’s are a beautiful gem, with an array of colours available ranging from white, to blue to black. 

Opals are an unusual jewellery stone in that they don’t need the traditional multifaceted cut (like a diamond, ruby or emerald) to catch the light and enhance their look. They have naturally occurring veins of reflective color running through them, which means they can be cut any way the artisan likes, and still be impressive. These natural veins of color mean that every gemstone is unique. The color veins are like a fingerprint, and you can browse for ages finding one that really speaks to you about your loved one’s personality.

Opals are one of the world's most beautiful gems. The most appealing aspect of Opals is their vast array of colors and patterns. Opals, more so than any other gem, come in varying colors, qualities and types. To help understand what type of Opal is best for you, have a look at our information about Opals page HERE.

When buying your Opal or Opal jewellery you should first consider the combination of the Opal's type, size, brilliance, color and pattern. As with any gems, there are trade offs that have to be made, and once you choose the type and quality of Opal, it usually comes down to simply choosing a color of Opal that you find attractive and that meets your budget. Click here to see Gillett's Opal jewellery.

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