Delivery Info

Delivery Info

All goods shipped are insured against loss and damage whilst they are in transit.

Once you are advised by e-mail that your order has been shipped, we guarantee delivery of all items except in cases where the address supplied is incorrect, illegible, incomplete or if the recipient is away or has moved, in which case you will be liable for payment of the purchase price and shipping of the order irrespective of whether the order arrives on time or not at all.

Free Returns

Free Returns

Gillett's Jewellers are committed to the provision of high quality products. Guarantee: We guarantee that our products will be delivered in new condition without damage or fault in craftsmanship.

If the product was damaged or faulty in its craftsmanship at the time of delivery to you (the customer), you may return the product within 30 days (of the delivery date) and Gillett's will refund the product price or replace the item.*

Free Shipping

Free Returns

Gilletts Jewellers offer free shipping for items over the value of $150.



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